Return&Refund Policy

Return Policy

We aim to offer services that will benefit all our customers. We hope you are happy with every purchase you make. In certain circumstances, you may want to return the items. Please read our return policy below.

Returnable items

Items that can be returned/refunded or exchanged within 30 days of receiving, there is no need reason for return, please just keep the product as new.

Return Conditions

Please ensure the returned items are unused and in the original packing. Please just contact our customer service to get the pre-paid return label.

Non-Returnable Items

We cannot accept returns in the following conditions:
1. Items outside the 30 days warranty time-frame.
2. Washed, worn, used, tag-removed or misused items.

Special for customization dress:

All our wedding dresses are custom made,we will send you photos and videos of your own wedding dress before shipping.After your confirmation,we will send you dress,if you don't like dress you received,we can accept refund,but you need to pay send and return shipping fee.But dress need to keep clean,unworn,well protected as we send.


    If package is lost during shipping process,you can get full refund.

    If dress is broken during shipping process,you can ask courier for partial refund.

    If the dress you get is not same size as you sent,and size made wrong by us,we will pay you the adjust fee at local tailoring store.

   But if the size you send is wrong,or you become more fat or thinner,the adjust fee needs to be paid by yourself.

Return address & refunds

Return address: Please contact our customer service by email to get the pre-paid return label, the return address will be on that.

Refunds: The refund will be issued to your Payment Account. You can either use Credits to pay for new order or withdraw it to the original account/card you paid earlier. will afford all the shipping cost and no restocking fee for customer after return.

 We will answer all the emails within 24 hours, the refund will be done within 7 days after the return package is delivered.